Thursday, January 26, 2012


I am sitting here at my desk wondering what to write about. I know I want to write as it always makes me feel more alive and positive especially right now as I so want to be by the sea and not high up in these granite mountains that make me feel sad! Last night, I lay in bed listening to the rain and reading a wonderful book, the Anastasia books and for those of you who have never heard of her, she is an extraordinary young woman who lives in Siberia and through a Russian man who found her in the forest and together they have created a series of nine books that are now published all over the world. Book four is all about our powers of creating and last night this line caught my eye,

"When the heart aspires to something in a dream, invariably - invariably, believe me, it must all come true in life."

I love that line, I find it utterly inspirational and as the rain continued to pour down my thoughts flew to Ibiza and the Light House I wish to create. Then this morning I opened my e mails and received one from a magical friend who is thinking of coming to live in Ibiza and maybe would like to create a healing centre with me. 
I couldn´t imagine doing anything more fabulous and it makes me feel that the vision I hold so clearly in my heart could become a reality even if every bone in my body had cancer and it doesn´t!! So I feel so much lighter and happier this morning and ready to go home to my island. I shall continue to be super patient waiting for my card and enjoy all the magical things that I so love here and prepare my soul for its next adventure!! So think about this quote and remind yourself that whatever you dream can also become a reality no matter how wild and crazy it may seem there is always a way to manifest the things that are in our hearts.

So now it is time to wander off to the market and find a photo for you. And here is Chellah, Jack´s cat, who lives with us and is continually having adventures!
So I hope you have an adventure today wherever you are for adventures keep us alive though right now I just wish for gentle ones!xxx

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