Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cup Cakes!

More and more people seem to be following this blog and it touches me and kind of worries me!! I lay in bed last night thinking of things to write and I had some  brilliant ideas and then this morning completly forget them and found myself instead of being at my computer, in the kitchen making cup cakes with Jack! It was his idea so we checked out a Nigella Lawson recipe and both of us trying hard to be domestic goddesses, made what we thought were fabulous cakes. However, baking in Cusco is a delicate business to put it mildly, due to the altitude, and when we opened the oven door well, the cakes somehow had overflowed and disappeared and we didn´t even have one cake to ice. But we laughed and will try again another morning. There will be a photo of our stunning cakes but tomorrow cos not worked out how to do that yet!!
So now it is later than normal and I am sitting here with a vast healthy juice to drink which takes me over an hour to do so and my head is full of thoughts. But one comes to mind. I received two beautiful comments yesterday from readers.  One from Shawn a magic friend of mine and another from a total stranger, Laverne. Shawn, from her studio in Spain was crying at the way I seem to be so lightly dealing with death and the whole sheebang and Laverne´s was thanking me for being able to discuss so honestly a subject that most of us are terrified about. She believes that if we all could discuss it openly then we would all enjoy our time down here so much more and I totally agree with her!
Writing this blog and researching death etc is helping me in so many ways. I am fascinated by all that I am discovering and I know that I am living in a way happier way than if I was running away from death. For me it is so much easier to embrace something that is inevitably upon all our paths and as death is dressed in pink for me and will guide me lovingly and gently to wherever the hell we truly do go, so much of my fear has dissipated.
The Ancient Greeks totally believed there was a right time and a right place to die and at the moment of death a person reached a higher level of consciousness. Their funeral rites were elaborate and beautiful and to read about them this morning lifted my spirits. If anyone who is reading this is facing the same journey as me then I really recommend you read up about the Ancient Greeks. It is truly inspiring.
We sadly seem to have lost our rituals when dealing with death. We dress up in black, are utterly miserable and forget to totally celebrate the life of those who wander up to the pearly gates. I honestly want a pink funeral and last night when I couldn´t get to sleep I was thinking of all kinds of pink food even down to pink cup cakes but I had better ask Jack´s Mum to make them cos I reckon Jack might have another culinary disaster!!
Wow computers are just amazing! I went into mine to find a photo and up came a word in Spanish I clicked it having no idea what it was and look at these utterly beautiful lotus flowers. This flower has accompanied me on my entire healing journey and my friend Shawn painted the most glorious watercolour which is somewhere on this blog.
Right back to the juice. Then a walk on this magical sunny day to the market. Wherever you are I hope you all have a magical day and even if you are going through a tough time take a moment for you and go and do something lovely!

1 comment:

  1. Hi again Emily : )

    Just wanted to reassure you that whatever you write we will all find wonderful - so don't worry about coming up with something profound or inspiring. YOU are the inspiring one - just you. : )

    And yes - I've had a magical day thanks - mainly because you've reminded me that each moment is precious - even my daughter's comical bad temper is something I will look back on with laughter in a few days!
