Saturday, February 25, 2012

Having fun in Lima!

Here I am in Lima enjoying the beauty, warmth and sunshine after my six months in Cusco. I am sorry I have not been writing my blog but truly, life as always, is super intense. It is so, as I gently  balance the dance between living and dying. My physical body is super fragile but my spirit and joy is flying more and more with every step I take, and I am full of gratitude for this wild camino that I am walking.

For the past few day, here in Lima, I have been playing princesses with my darling friend Kerry in her chic designer dress shop. To sit amidst the gorgeous colours of her clothes, spray myself in her exotic French perfumes and try on her fabulous designer shoes is total joy! Every woman should have the chance to play in a gorgeous dress shop, it is wonderful healing therapy!! I don't need to buy anything for I have everthing I want and to be perfectly honest I can't buy a new healthy breast so anything else pales into insignificance! Kerry's shop is called Anais Nin after the famous Frech writer and her philosophy is based on the words of Ninn who said, "Luxury is not a necessity to me, but beautiful and good things are". I whole heartedly agree with this for I feel that beauty feeds the soul and without beauty we feel sad and disconnected. Everything in nature is just radiating a beauty that so often is beyond words, think of a flower - no words can ever really do justice to its beauty. So wherever you are this weekend, make sure you go and see something that fills your soul with beauty and you will feel radiant no matter what your mood!

That seems a perfect thought to end this blog for now and Monday I shall write again. I am thinking of returning here in a few months as I have just  heard of an amazing Shaman who might be able to finally heal my bleeding breast. And if he can't, then life goes on in its magical way until I have to leave. The time here in Peru has filled my soul with such peace and acceptance and I feel fearless and full of courage to embark on the next stage of this wild, wild path and intend to continue to laugh and have fun right until my very last breath!! 

So have a great weekend wherever you are and I shall tell you about mine on Monday!

1 comment:

  1. The world IS full of beautiful and good things. Thank you for reminding me of that Emily. You continue to be an inspiration for all of us following your journey, xo
