Monday, March 5, 2012

The amazing power of thought!

Hello from yes, the pretty dress shop!
I am now beginning to think that this is the best possible place for me to retreat to during this surreal passage of my wild journey. It is the absolute contrast of all that awaits me so I shall enjoy sloshing myself with fabulous perfume and meditating in the beautiful changing rooms and creating a new look for myself every day! Oh and to let you know, the pink hair is now a fabulous golden colour which is what I had envisaged in the first place. I returned to the salon and basically told Alex, the divino hair dresser, that I was unhappy and with grace and charm he changed it and now I feel totally ready for the jungle. No one can go to the jungle with pink hair, I might have been mistaken for a parrot and shot!

So to fill you in. Yesterday, Sunday, was yet another surreal day. Kerry left without giving me keys.  I couldn't go out and so I hung out in my room, did a load of yoga, meditated and meditated until I was positively bursting with joy and then I lay on the floor devouring a book and don't laugh, called "Evolve your brain." I have no idea why I have taken so long to think about evolving my brain but believe me this book is mind blowing,  full of the most amazing information to do with healing and changing brain patterns which obviously affect the body etc. I  found this quote and want to share it here.

"We have the capacity to rewire our brain because we are capable of making a thought more real to us than anything else in the universe."

This quote  gives me goose bumps. Read it again very slowly and take in the full impact of these profound words. They are tremendous, more tremendous than you can possibly get your brain around! We can climb mountains with our thoughts and create worlds upon worlds, we can heal and destroy with them, love and hate, do anything we wish. Have you any idea how powerful this could be if we all used our thoughts with their utmost potential? I find it the most creative, wild, joyous thing and I intend to travel to the jungle with one, huge, magic thought in my mind and heart..... to heal these tumors and send them back to the light from where they came from. And with the help of my light beam, amazing wonderful amigo, John, who is coming me, I know we can do this together. How lucky and blessed I am to be on this wild adventure with someone by my side. We talked tonight for ages as the "universe" blocked the public phone and so we could chat for ages without him having to pay a cent! And so at last we could catch up on all that has happened in our individual worlds. He is in Pisac and me down here in the pretty dress shop but for each of us this journey has its own unique implications and we both have to honor the others path. Wow this is beyond surreal! And I am over the moon with gratitude for his gift in accompanying on this journey of discovery.

But I really want to say something that feels so important to me. My journey is your journey too, all the possibilities of creativity, expansion, trust, healing are your path too, mine is no different. So all the information I am sharing with you, why not use it to bring more light and joy and creativity into your lives?? We all have the capacity to take a thought and make it a reality, I know this and you know it too. So I ask you this, why do we waste so much of our lives on crappy, self defeating, small thoughts when we could all be so much more? Why do we waste the preciousness of our tiny moment down here "sweating the small stuff" when there is so much to marvel at, to create to love, to bless to live, to sing?? Please from the bottom of my heart I wish so much that you think about these extraordinary words for a thought with conscious intention and love and trust can becomes whatever we are thinking about.
And just to end on a total high think about this one!!

"The power that made the body heals the body".

So if we can connect to that power, then that power can heal us. I can't write anymore, I am blowing up as I think about this! So until tomorrow!

With much love Emily. xxxxxxx

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