Sunday, April 15, 2012

The lighthouse vision

Hello everybody!!
Sorry for not writing this blog for over two weeks but have been in Lake Titicaca climbing mountains, swimming in the lake, hunting for ducks, drinking tequilas and having a vision that has now crystallised into this.So I am posting it here in the hope all of you will somehow send it on to other people and this Lighthouse will be created in a magical, beautiful way as it it so needed. So I shall write no more and ask you to take the time to read this.

The Lighthouse.

The vision is a Lighthouse – a centre of communication, creativity and vibrational medicine whose purpose is to expand the consciousness of individuals on their healing path and assist them to awaken to the inherent power we all have - the power to heal ourselves.

We create our world through our thoughts and our imagination. When we have healthy thoughts our world is healthy and when our thoughts are sad and painful we manifest that pain in our lives and ultimately in our bodies in a thousand different ways. It is very simple but what is way more complex and challenging is how do we transform those unhealthy, vibrational thought and language patterns that most of us grew up with and are embedded deep in our cellular memory?

It has been said that “every phrase that leaves your lips is a universe that you create. Every articulated sentence is a universe, every spoken word is a world along with its sun, and every sound is a planet, an earth full of life. Be aware, that in truth you are a god to the words that you utter. They create and support worlds that you cannot even imagine but that you may no longer ignore.”

The intention of the Lighthouse is that through the latest chiropractic techniques, vibrational medicine from sacred healing plants, and working with Shamans of integrity, communication experts and top quality healers and creators, visitors will leave with a whole new paradigm vision of their body and their mind - a vision that will inspire them to remember that we are fabulously powerful creators of our own unique paths and we are full of immense power and light, light that we can use not only to heal ourselves but all those around us. Symbolically, spending time at The Lighthouse would be like giving someone a map and sending them on their path with more confidence and awareness of the innate, beautiful intelligence that we all possess.

The Lighthouse is not a “New Age” centre, nor a “Clinic” nor even a “Healing Centre”.   It will be a space of profound play, passion and purpose – the purpose ultimately assisting individuals to create more healthy and whole lives. Where this first Lighthouse is to be created is still a mystery waiting to be revealed but it will be by the sea. Yet in the wings, slowly are emerging individuals of great integrity, with immense gifts, who will be part of this vision. The Lighthouse has already been created … it is simply a question of moving towards it with total faith.

I know that it will manifest and so I have used my “cancer” as a gift- a gift of my own transformation that will ultimately assist in the transformation of others. This is my path and I have made a conscious choice not to walk away even, though for many dark nights, I have been full of doubt of my ability to create this. The doubts have now gone (well almost!) and from a vision by the shores of Lake Titicaca I know now without any doubt, I have transformed my cancer. I am healed and now my path is dedicated to assist the healing of others.

The Lighthouse can and will be created.

What I am asking from all of you who will receive this letter is that you “sponsor” me for the next six months as I strengthen my physical body and empower my mind to an even greater level. Through working with the very latest ideas of quantum healing and continuing the profound homeopathic work which I have been doing for the past five years, the pathways to my brain have  been transforming and have slowly led to my healing. All I learn, in the next months, as I explore deeper and deeper the workings of the mind and body through the healing techniques available to me here in Peru and the work I will be doing with three American quantum and energetic healers, David McKenzie  and his partner Susan Perkins and Dr John Emerson  and my homeopath Dr Antonio Anguren (see website details below) will only serve, in the future, all those who are walking their own healing paths.

I ask you to open your hearts and assist me in this final stage of what has been a long, long journey. Cancer has touched everyone’s life but if this new way of healing could become more accessible with more and more individuals realizing that the power of the mind connected to the heart and conscious intention could truly heal the body then, wow! how amazing would that be! So I invite you to join me on this journey and add your magic so that The Lighthouse can become a reality and very soon!!
Initial funds that you send will be used for….

Rent at ten dollars a night to pay for hostel in Peru.
Quantum treatments at $100  a week.
Medicinal plants and treatments from Peru $200 a month.
Food etc $150 a month.

At a later date I will need funds to go to Europe and the States to give talks with my book and spread the message of this new way of healing. Thus all funds received will be used for the creation of my transformation and for The Lighthouse Foundation. You can join me for all the adventures of this journey, the ups and the downs through reading my blog (I will be changing the title of my blog as it no longer seems appropriate but until I have the technical skills to do so you can read about it the above address!!)

I ask you to send this to anyone you know who has had cancer or who has a friend or member of their family who has suffered and knows what depths it takes for healing to occur. The more people who know about this journey the more hope and healing it will spread. There are a million ways to heal just as there are a million ways to die…it is simply a question of choice. I passionately believe that we can no longer ignore the worlds that we create with our thoughts and our own thoughts create the very limitation of our lives. One way to truly heal is to go into the very darkest places of our minds and heal the shadows. It takes much work and much courage and I know The Lighthouse will be a place to inspire people to take those first steps into the journey of their mind, shedding light upon the shadows and in doing so transforming their lives. It truly works…. I know, because I am still down here and will not be leaving for many, many years!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read about this vision. And thank you for opening your hearts to sponsor me in this adventure.
Yours very sincerely,
Emily Hilton.
Funds can be sent to:

Dorothy Hilton Rubin (until my name is formally changed my bank details are under my old name)
Calle Parellades 40

ES9220590444050000096388 IBAN 

See blog:
Book: Cancer Healed Me by Emily Hilton available on Amazon and
New book: Follow your Bliss if not what’s the point?
Soon to be available on Lulu.
Website of other vision created (home for adolescent mothers Cusco, Peru)

Dr Antonio Anguren.

David Mckenzie.